Asthma is when you cannot control your breathing. You are wheezing and have a dry cough, as well as, tightness in the chest and shortness of breath. This is because the air passageways to the lungs are narrowed. This can be brought on from tightening of muscles, inflammation and swelling. Asthma is usually triggered by an allergy or activities that irritate the lungs.
As you know when you are having an allergy attack, your airway will tightens up and you will have difficultly breathing. This can be even worse if you have asthma. Your chest will feel heavy and you will need to have oxygen support or an inhaler to make the airways open up for your lungs.
To help prevent or weaken your asthma attacks; you will need to do a lot of cleaning. It may be best to get an air filter that filters out the spores that found in a room. You will want to get rid of any dust that is lying around. Dust is triggers that can make you go into a full-blown asthma attack. You will need to make sure that you don't have any dust mites or bed bugs in your room, as well, as try to rid yourself of some of your harmful food allergens.
You can avoid a food allergen by checking your labels and reading ingredient lists. This is a way to help reduce an asthma attack from a food allergen. You may also want to clean your air condition and heat runs. You can have this professionally done and it will reduce the mold spores and pollen that is in the air. You may want to ask your doctor about your allergies if you are asthmatic. You should make your doctor away of any allergens you think you develop, but it's especially important if you are asthmatic.
If you have known allergies and you are asthmatic, make sure that you go through the precautions of cleaning and avoiding certain areas and activities that will trigger your asthma. Inhalers and injections can help you stay calm while in an asthma attack.